WTSA-The Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement
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Shipper Relations

WTSA’s Shipper-Carrier Advisory Board, established in September 2010, is a discussion forum 16 shipper members representing a cross-section of the U.S.-Asia container freight market, along with the 10 WTSA member lines.

The Advisory Board grew out of a series of meetings with shippers in the U.S. and Asia beginning in 2008, at the suggestion of shippers. Its purpose was to open an ongoing dialogue that would strengthen shipper-carrier relationships and identify industrywide best practices, particularly in the service contracting process.

We will post on this page various reports, research and analysis developed by WTSA relating to shipper issues and reflecting Advisory Board input. While initial membership on the Advisory Board is necessarily limited to a small group of actively engaged shippers for a term sufficient to build solid relationships and provide continuity, it is vital that the dialogue also is extended to include the broader shipping community, with adequate opportunity for feedback and improvement.

The initial document posted below is a Service Contracting Process Checklist developed by WTSA with input from the Shipper Advisory Board. This document is intended to assist shippers in all segments of the trade in making contracting more efficient and effective.

WTSA welcomes public input from shippers or other interested parties on this checklist and any other documents through our web site contact address, Any input will be taken into account by WTSA and considered in the ongoing shipper-carrier consultation process. We appreciate your participation.

Select a document to download:

April 2011 / 64KB PDF


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